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Blog Kata kata terbaik terbaru 2016

Disney vacation in the spring


Disney vacation in the spring

When the outside is a beautiful spring day. Inside, most of the toys were busy helping Bo Peep find dombanya__untuk millionth time! Interest Woody Woody Buzz'''''' he said I need fresh air. Why do not we sit on the roof for a few minutes to enjoy the beautiful spring water?'''' Ok'' he said. '' Let's sit in the sun roof Subar BAWAG. Andy and his mother is still a long return home. There is no harm in that?'' Tour is evidence that the decision was very difficult later! Only two of them go up to the roof, the sky became very dark. Then, lightning split the sky and thunder rumbled. Suddenly, the sky opens and the water flows very fast.
'' Help!'' Cried Woody. Dam rain away from the roof and into the gutter!
'' I come!'' Cried Buzz. Cargo is not the police come to help you. He also drifted into the gutter!
Woody and Buuz somersaults in the swift current of rainwater. They drift in sepangjang gutters and down into the drain.
Fortunately, Woody thought, soon we will be on the field. But the force of the water to catapult the edge of the gutter. They drift ...
'' Flood Canal!'' Cried Woody. At the last moment, standing on an outsider branch is blocking the mouth of the pipeline. For hire, but could not escape the entanglement of water Rushing. Fortunately, the room Andy, Lenny Binoculars'd been watching a spring storm raging Suddenly it. He told the other toys that berkumpuldu Then the window and I saw Buzz and Woody holding a twig Fragile'' We must do something!'' Cried Hamm Slinky Dog is leaping forward. Rex and Slinky gripping tail flopped out of the window. Then he merenyangkan pegasnya serenggang'' It's probably not up!'' Cried'' Jessie We must form a chain of toy'' Bo Peep into Rex. Hamm held in Bo Peep. All the soldiers of the army and joined Jessie Hikau berpeganga on it. Mencindingkan slinky body before, Buzz and Woody holding the ears and let it go on twigs tuiing! Buzz and Woody lifted off the ground and flew into the window of Andy's room.
Once again safe and dry, Buzz and Woody to thank the toy that is helped. Turned to Woody Buzz. '' Just wrote that a lot of spring water (spring) Good'' he said. Woody Dewanto'' God thank you, we had a spring (spring) Selatan is good to save us!''

dongeng disney lucu inggris

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